Carbon Monoxide Alarms Brochures - 2019



Carbon monoxide (CO) is a serious threat -- it's a gas that people cannot see, smell, or taste. That is why it is critical for your community to be educated on how to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning -- what it is, how to reduce the risk, and what to do if a CO alarm sounds.

NFPA®'s Carbon Monoxide Alarms Brochures are easy-to-read and understand. They provide an excellent community education and awareness tool, helping people understand how carbon monoxide (CO) is produced in and around the home...the dangers it poses...symptoms of CO poisoning...and facts about when CO poisoning occurs most, and how often it occurs in the home.

Be a hero -- help people in your community protect themselves from this invisible, odorless killer. In addition to all of the smart tips, Carbon Monoxide Alarms Brochures also supply lifesaving facts on CO alarms:

  • Selection and installing CO alarms
  • Where to install CO alarms
  • How often to test CO alarms
  • Surprising amount of time it can take for CO poisoning to occur

These Brochures make terrific handouts at community events and fire station open houses as well as at events where there is a large or small public gathering. NFPA's Carbon Monoxide Alarms Brochures are produced in order to safeguard lives and property in your community.

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