Standard for Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemical



Consistent with NFPA 101 and NFPA 30, the 2019 edition of NFPA 45 has improved fire safety requirements for new and existing laboratories.

NFPA 45, Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals, is the industry's comprehensive source for requirements for the fire safe design and operation of instructional, educational, and industrial laboratories to avoid injury to lab occupants. This standard outlines the maximum allowable quantities of liquids and gases, as well as requirements for laboratory ventilating systems and chemical fume hoods.

Updates align NFPA 45 with NFPA 101, NFPA 30, and other codes:

Revised requirements for exit doors clarify that the methods must comply with NFPA 101® egress requirements.
Revised terminology related to flame-resistant clothing aligns with NFPA 2112.
Content covering laboratory exhaust ducts, dampers, and exhaust ducting through fire barriers clarifies the installation of exhaust ducts through fire-rated barriers and aligns with the current editions of NFPA 90A and NFPA 91.
Language has been added to reference NFPA 30 for quantities of flammable and combustible liquids within inside liquid storage areas, and requirements for gas cylinders are aligned with NFPA 55.
Other changes help designers, installers, facility managers, and AHJs comply, including added requirements and clarifications:

New requirements covering laboratory units in health care facilities, particularly flammable and combustible liquid quantity limitations, lab unit classifications, fire separation, and specific provisions for distillation and solvent recycling equipment and tissue processors
Clarification that curbing of laboratory floors can be used to prevent liquids from migrating to lower floor levels
Revised section that requires emergency lighting in all laboratory work areas
Clarified requirements for Class I wet standpipe systems, and revised requirements for manual fire alarm systems that include all buildings with laboratory units
Expanded provisions for laboratory exhaust systems prohibiting sound attenuation devices
Revised inspection, testing, and maintenance of fire-extinguishing systems in ductwork or chemical fume hoods
A new retroactivity clause clarifying that the chapter on chemical storage, handling, and waste disposal contains operational requirements that need to be applied to existing laboratories
New requirements limiting hazardous chemical containers stored and handled in laboratory work areas to 20 L (5 gal)
An added requirement for chemical storage that specifies a minimum inspection frequency of one year
Clarified requirements for emergency gas shutoffs and overpressure protection
Combined sections on heating operations and heating equipment
Annex material reinforcing the need to evaluate the effects of any mixing of wastes
Make laboratory personnel, equipment, and buildings safer with the latest edition of NFPA 45. (Print, 63 pp., 2019)

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