Standard on Facilities for Fire Training and Assoc. Props



Newly revised from a guide to a standard, NFPA 1402 facilitates the design and construction of fire service training centers.

Fully updated and now a standard, NFPA 1402, Standard on Facilities for Fire Service Training and Associated Props, provides essential requirements for the safe, effective, and efficient design and construction of the primary components of modern fire training centers. NFPA 1402 addresses:

Administration and support facilities
Site and infrastructure
Live fire training structures, including training towers
Technical rescue training facilities
Facilities for both inside and outside simulations
Technical rescue training props
Hazardous materials training props
Combustible and flammable liquids used in interior and exterior activities
In addition to a new title, NFPA 1402 introduces mandatory language to facilitate use and enforcement by states and jurisdictions.

This edition also presents: 

Revised requirements that reflect general technological and industry updates
Two new chapters on gas-fueled live fire training systems, addressing systems for exterior and interior use
A new chapter on requirements for technical rescue training facilities, replacing a previous chapter on smoke buildings
A new chapter on fire investigation training structures, props, burn cells, and sets
Two annexes providing guidance on the design and construction of fire service training centers along with administrative and classroom buildings
Design and build fire training centers with accepted requirements developed through industry consensus. Use and enforce the 2019 edition of NFPA 1402. (Print, 53 pp., 2019)

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