Standard on Fire Marshal Professional Qualifications, 2016



State and local fire marshals have broad responsibilities to provide fire and life safety for all citizens. Make sure individuals are up to the challenge with the JPRs in NFPA 1037.

Fire marshals are charged with safeguarding the public and ensuring emergency preparedness in our changing world. Do your best to ensure they are prepared by consulting NFPA 1037: Standard on Fire Marshal Professional Qualifications for the minimum core and mission-specific Job Performance Requirements (JPRs) this job demands. The latest edition of the Standard is vital for fire service personnel -- those who aspire to become fire marshals as well as anyone involved with their training, hiring, or evaluation.

Updated based on a new job task analysis, the 2016 edition:

  • Better enables the end-user to assess and qualify individuals for the duties and responsibilities of fire marshal
  • Presents mission-specific JPRs beyond fire marshal including regulatory, public education, and investigation
  • Adds new requirements for core qualifications to become a fire marshal
  • Introduces a new sample evaluation matrix to assist evaluators in determining the qualifications for fire marshal

NFPA 1037 is also an important source of extra information about the role of fire marshal, with annexes devoted to explanatory materials, the concept of JPRs, alternate evaluation methods, and additional references. (Softbound, 25 pp., 2016)

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